Get Appy with Us!

Will definitely be trying this app out and sharing it with my networks. I will also pin this blog post to a few of my pinterest boards for apps and techie tools! Great find written by @sly111 and found  via @sylviaduckworth!

Here is an affordable way to mirror your iPad/iPhone in your classroom if you do not wish to purchase the $99 AppleTV. Reflector($12.99, formerly known as Reflection) is a great Mac/PC app that is extremely easy to set up and use.

First, what is mirroring?

Mirroring your iPad/iPhone and even the latest 5th generation iPod touch means showing on a second screen everything that is shown. Once set up, your device that you control will be displayed. It is a very useful way to display your iPad to a large group of students/colleagues. Show your presentations, videos, and even games without a hitch.

The easiest way to mirror is to attach your iPad directly to your computer. This is the “fastest” and most solid way, and does not present any lag whatsoever. A wired connection is actually what I currently rely on, since I teach in over seven…

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Comments on: "Reflector (Mac/PC app) – Mirror your iPad/iPhone on your computer!" (2)

  1. thank you! i am testing this today in class!

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